Saike Demon

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(Redirected from Saike)

The Saike Demon (サイケ 鬼, Saike Oni; FUNimation "Saike"; Literally meaning "Psychedelic Ogre")[1] is an Ogre who works for Yama running the Spirits Laundry Machine.

[edit] Biography

Saike Demon's body mutating due to the purplish-gray smoke.

In Fusion Reborn, the Saike Demon was careless while working the Spirits Laundry Machine and, distracted by his death metal music (psychedelic funk or psychedelic rock in the original), forgot to change its tank. The tank overflowed and he was surrounded by thousands of years of spiritual waste. The purplish-gray smoke mutated his body, turning him into Janemba. At the end of the film, after Janemba was hit with Gogeta's Stardust Breaker, he transformed back into a teenage Ogre and ran away, frightened at seeing Gogeta. The Saike Demon had red skin and two horns.

[edit] Video game appearance

[edit] References